The whole collection can be taken over, except the sculptures indicated by : * *
01: Cranes on the bridge (1971)
walnut, 150 x 50 x 5 cm
Wall relief.
02: Man/woman (1973)
chestnut, 58 x 35 x 35 cm
03: Three to five (1975)
American oak, 150 x 64 x 10 cm
Wall relief.
04: Frans I (1975)
maple, 170 x 140 x 115 cm
Frans 1 because of the death of his father Frans.
05: Seattle(1977)
American oak, 240x70x70 cm
A statue dedicated to Chief Seattle because of his speech to the American government in 1854. The speech tells about the intense feeling he has, as an Indian, of being so tightly connected to and dependent of the earth and everything that lives on our planet.
At the same time he criticizes the behavior of the white man who disturbs the harmony in nature with his superior attitude. The words of Seattle don’t only blame ‘the white man’ in his day, but went into history as an appeal against all forms of alienation, depletion and suppression.
The scull of an animal with horns shows the cycle of live and death. In the horns you can see symbols of the beginning of life. A quote from the speech is decorating the columns.
06: Book (1978)
oak, lime tree wood and copper, 150 x 100 x 15 cm
“Do read, but what you read is not what is written”. ( Martinus Nijhof)
07: Evolution (1978)
metal, oak, perspex, 220 x 100 x 100 cm
08: Alta Kautokeino (1979)
model in wood, 35 x 18 x 9 cm
This is the model for a big statue that was meant to become 5 meters in height in the north of Norway because of Willem’s solidarity with the Sami people against the building of a hydroelectric dam on the Alta River. This would interrupt the reindeer migration routes and would threaten their existence so dependent as they are of their reindeer and also because of the effect on the fishery in the river. Willem always wanted to realize that someday in Norway but unfortunately he was never able to go there again to fulfill that desire.
09: Game of light (1980)
model in perspex and mirror glass, 60 x 16 cm
10: Lookthrough (1981)
model in perspex, wood and glass, 37 x 22 x 4 cm
11: Stratification (1981)
model in Perspex and steel, 35 x 20 x 15 cm
12: Family matters (1980)
American oak, different composed kinds of wood and polyester, 145 x 140 x 25 cm
Wall relief.
13: The Way (1985)
oak, beech, tropical hardwood, bronze, stone and steel, 350 x 150 x 140 cm
“The road and its reverse side that everyone has to go in his lifetime.”
14: Culture-prize of the municipality of Elst (1987)
bronze, 60 x 22 x22 cm
Based on the Trias Politica of Montesquieu.
15: Apocalyps (1989)
oak and steel, 700 x 400 x 400 cm
This sculpture not only wants to tell you about the fate of mankind, the Holocaust and other disasters, but also about spirituality, power , renewing and hope. Willem said about it: “The sculpture can’t be made small, it has to be big enough to confront ourselves.”
“It takes you into the world of Willem Massa.” (Han Rouwenhorst)
16: Amazon (1992)
oak, 100 x 45 x 43cm
17: Above ground level (1993)
oak, 130 x 125 x 53 cm
18: The Worlds (1994)
oak, 180 x 143 x 96 cm
19: The parliament (1999)
bronze, copper, steel and concrete
“Do we eat the earth completely or do we leave something behind for future generations?”
20: Gordian knot (1997)
oak, 160 x 240 x 370 cm
A quest to find your own identity
21: www dot com (2000)
oak, maple and copper, 120 x 50 x 35 cm
“The scull breaks open by an overkill of information.”
22: Lovestatue (2001)
oak, 100 x 84 x 35 cm
This statue is also mould in bronze and is to be seen in the Amshoff (a B&B) in Kiel-Windeweer, Groningen.
23: Relation (2002)
oak, 200 x 65 x 45 cm
24: Heavyweight (2004)
bronze, 40 x 25 x 35 cm
to be seen in the Amshof (B&B) in Kiel-Windeweer, Groningen.
25: Deportation (2005)
lime wood, 100 x 55 x 45 cm
26: Course of life (2005)
oak, 152 x 70 x 68 cm
27: Dementia (2006)
oak, electricity wire, 120 x 100 x 70cm
28: The Cartesians (2007)
pear wood, 195 x 90 x 75 cm
Willems’ last sculpture unfortunately stayed unfinished.
“Nothing distracts the monks of their spirituality : they live in the beauty of order and peace and in harmony with God and the World.”
photography by Pieter Claessen